Thursday, December 23, 2010

struggling dentist

Whoever said dentistry was easy! Year after year kids pay tens of lakhs of rupees in capitation for BDS and MDS degrees in dentistry but none of the schools prepare you for the struggle that follows, after the paper is pasted on the wall. A common misconception is that the struggle is overcome by a combination of hard work, superior clinical skills and of course, time. How amateur, misinformed and misguided can one be: the struggle never ends it just mutates to take on another more difficult and lonely but nevertheless stimulating form. To the dentist with a freshly minted degree and practice, the guy at the top is the icon, the guru the object of desire, but little does he know how hard it is being there. As a sultry dental Diva said “It’s lonely at the top”.
 The Divas and Icons of dentistry embark on a deeper and more difficult struggle to reinvent and reincarnate themselves into new avatars. This struggle, this internal Dental Jihad involves intellectual, ethical, technological and spiritual challenges. It sure is a lonely journey, a journey of brutal self discovery and path breaking or changing decisions.
A dentist struggles all the time. Trying to make sense, of the world, technology and the metaphysical, needs a giant leap in the evolution of the mind and soul! And that’s the real struggle, but on the other hand whoever said life’s easy….

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the power of Goliath

As battles go the old testament version of David verses Goliath victoriously triumphs the cause of the underdog David ,the King of Judea . Similar battles are waged in the mouth especially in the root canals of infected teeth. The tiny , mutant, and  constantly morphing bacteria that reside at the tips of the roots of  decayed ,necrotic and damaged teeth take on the immune systems of apparently healthy and well nourished individuals. Overwhelming the entire defense force of the human body ,these microscopic Davids bring the entire cellular armies to its knees.Multiple sittings of root canal treatments were the only weapon available to the dentist to lift the siege of the root canal.  A heavy barrage of artillery in the form of the dental laser is now available as a weapon of mass destruction to shock, awe and annihilate   the pesky bugs. Multiple root canal sittings, the bane of all patients are now reduced to bare minimum and root canals can safely be completed with a level off sterility , confidence and predictability.The dental laser Goliath has the potential to rewrite  history , mythology and dentistry...
Power to Goliath.....

Monday, December 6, 2010

first blog

We finally make our presence felt in the social media space. With 23 years of dealing with patients in a rapidly changing world , we are full of stories, anecdotes and interesting trivia to keep us going for a long time. Hope to have some fun.